GPP3 Guidelines Published
HOT OFF THE PRESS: Good Publication Practice for Communicating Company-Sponsored Medical Research (GPP3) guidelines have just been released. These guidelines update the original GPP guidelines (published in 2006) and updated in 2009.
These new guidelines provide guidance regarding the most recent ICMJE criteria on authorship (published in 2013), along with other issues with authorship (including ghost writing and guest authorship). They also provide clarity on author payment and reimbursement.
Importantly, GPP3 discusses the role of professional medical writers. They highlight the need to use medical writers with appropriate understanding of medical publication ethics – a move that WriteSource Medical wholeheartedly endorses.
All publications developed on behalf of industry partners by WriteSource Medical will now be developed in accordance with these updated guidelines.
WriteSource Medical was pleased to be involved in the development of these new GPP3 guidelines as part of the review team.
We congratulate the authors on their publication – which can be accessed here.