WriteSource Medical DM Team are Certified Viedoc designers

What makes for fun?

For Tim and Leanne at WriteSource Medical fun means all things data!

Most recently that included training in Viedoc study build design. The WSM DM team are now fully fledged Viedoc certified designers and are ready to provide all encompassing support for your research project using the Viedoc eClinical suite.

What do we like about Viedoc?

Viedoc is a cost effective multi-faceted clinical research system with functionality inclusive of electronic data capture (site entered and ePRO), study intervention logistics, trial master file and reporting. Viedoc is constantly evolving to meet the needs of the clinical research environment and recently increased their coding capabilities. With Viedoc– it’s easy to generate CDISC standard forms and data capture modules with upfront data checking.  We are excited to use this platform for our studies.

Let’s discuss how can we support your next clinical research project?