About WriteSource Medical
WriteSource Medical is a boutique medical writing and biostatistics consultancy that provides professional services to the pharmaceutical and academic sectors. At WriteSource Medical Pty Ltd we pride ourselves on providing accurate, ethical and balanced professional medical writing and biostatistical services.
We cover the full range of medical writing services, from technical documents such as clinical study reports and regulatory submissions, through to marketing materials. Similarly, our biostatistical consultancy services cover the full range of client needs from study design through to reporting.
We are committed to setting-up long-term alliances with our clients, either in the form of long-term contracts or partnering arrangements. These alliances are based upon trust, shared objectives and mutual understanding of expectations and values.
Most importantly, we are committed to the ethical delivery of our services and comply with the relevant industry standards, such as Medicine Australia’s Code of Conduct, the Statistical Society of Australia Inc. Code of Conduct, ICMJE guidelines for the preparation of manuscripts,1 Good Publication Practice2 and the International Conference on Harmonisation principles.3,4 We will not perform ghostwriting under any circumstances.
WriteSource Medical Pty Ltd is committed to understanding and meeting our clients’ needs and to comply with relevant industry standards for medical writing and biostatistics.
At WriteSource Medical we:
- Are committed to quality at all levels of the company;
- Establish objectives and measures which assure we achieve our vision; and
- Review our performance, and adjust processes to ensure continuous improvement.
About the Director
Belinda Butcher
BSc(Hons) MBiostat PhD CMPP AStat DipSustLiv
WSM Managers
Sophie Gibb
BSc(Hons) PhD MMedSc(Drug Dev) CMPP
Medical Writing Manager

Jo Leadbetter
BSc(Hons) MSc PhD AStat
Biostatistics Manager

Leanne Stootman
Clinical Data Sciences and Quality Manager
Leanne was an accomplished clinical research professional with more than 20 years of experience when she joined WriteSource Medical in 2021. Working within global pharmaceutical, biotechnology and contract research organisations, her broad experience includes data management, clinical operations and quality. Leanne has a comprehensive knowledge of clinical trial phases across a diverse range of therapeutic areas. She is adept at comprehensive data and document review. With an outgoing friendly personality Leanne enjoys continually learning.
Senior Medical Writers
Pippa Burns
BSc(Hons) MPH(Dist) GradCertMgtComm(Dist) GradCertMedEd PhD CMPP
Senior Medical Writer
Pippa joined WriteSource Medical in 2020. Her background in pharmacology and public health has provided a broad experience-base, having worked across the health care sector for over twenty years. Pippa’s previous roles have been based in universities, health services and non-profit organisations. Pippa has experience in writing journal manuscripts, systematic reviews, abstracts, poster presentations, patient information and medical education materials.
Anne Dyson
MBBS(Hons) BSc(Med)
Senior Medical Writer

Dulama Richani
BBTec(Hons) PhD CMPP
Senior Medical Writer
Prior to joining WriteSource Medical in February 2022, Dulama worked at the University of New South Wales as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow for 8 years, where she published more than 26 research papers and contributed to the acquisition of $3.7M in grant funding. Her research focussed on understanding the mechanisms regulating female reproductive biology, endocrinology, and physiology. Dulama has experience in writing journal manuscripts, research grants, marketing materials (including educational and professional promotional material), and research protocols.
Theresa Wade
Senior Medical Writer

Medical Writers
Sally Costello
BPharm MPS
Medical Writer
Sally commenced work with WriteSource Medical in 2022, having previously worked in Medical Affairs for over twenty years. Here she gained extensive experience in Medical Information provision with global organisations, including Janssen. Sally is an expert in the interpretation of the Medicines Australia Code of Conduct, also having strong understanding of the Medicines NZ Code of Practice. Sally has been part of teams developing omnichannel content. Sally’s therapeutic area experience includes dermatology, inflammatory bowel disease, rheumatology, psychiatry, and virology. Sally is working towards certification as a Medical Publication Professional.
Holly Smith
BSc(Hons) Biological Science
Medical Writer
Holly joined WriteSource Medical in 2022 as a graduate from the University of Wollongong, where her studies focussed on biological science. She completed her honours degree with a focus on carbohydrate biochemistry and nosocomial bacterial infections, providing her with experience in scientific research and public health. Holly has a passion for medical writing, striving to communicate accurate and ethical scientific content to a variety of target audiences. Holly has experience in writing advisory board minutes, medical interviews, plain language summaries, lay person summaries, conference presentations, and clinical study reports.
Shileen Young
BPharm MMedSci MPS
Medical Writer
Shileen joined WriteSource Medical in 2023. She previously worked in medical information for 25 years and has extensive knowledge of the pharmaceutical industry. With experience including immunology and neuroscience therapeutic areas, Shileen has a passion for communicating impactful evidence-based information across a range of audiences.
Many of our medical writers are members of:
- ARCS Australia Ltd.
- Australasian Medical Writers Association (AMWA)
- European Medical Writers Association (EMWA)
- International Society for Medical Publications Professionals (ISMPP)
Our statisticians are members of:
Our company is a member of:
At WriteSource Medical we:
- Deliver quality writing with excellent publication success.
- Deliver quality data management and biostatistical services.
- Establish clear objectives with our clients.
- Seek feedback from all clients to strengthen our experience.
We also care for the environment
Our office is run using 100% accredited GreenPower and we use recycled products where possible.
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